It's my birthday! Yay me! Way to live another year!!!
For my birthday, I would like to reminisce about my childhood... with pictures. One of the things that always strikes me in my childhood photos is that I have ALWAYS had really, really pretty hair. It's true. While styles may hair remained "awesome!" And by, "awesome", I mean horrific. It always looked clownish. Through no fault of my mother. There was nothing to be done. It didn't matter if it was morning, noon or hair was a mess.
For my birthday, I would like to reminisce about my childhood... with pictures. One of the things that always strikes me in my childhood photos is that I have ALWAYS had really, really pretty hair. It's true. While styles may hair remained "awesome!" And by, "awesome", I mean horrific. It always looked clownish. Through no fault of my mother. There was nothing to be done. It didn't matter if it was morning, noon or hair was a mess.
This is just a preview of that was to come in my childhood years... That spiky curl came all on it's own, baby!
My first birthday. Also featured: My mom and sister, Tara! As for my hair...most people would need a pomade and super hairspray to get that pointy look. Not me. It was all natural!

It would become all the rage in the grunge and post-grunge phases. I was always a bit ahead of my time.

And here is where I embraced my golden locks and stopped styling it as a rebel! I went for a "proper" and "sweet" when I was 4. Although no longer pointy or grungy...I did manage wispy and thin.
Thanks for the look back. Happy Birthday! I loved that your hair was way ahead of the styles, it just proves that you really do have a cult.
Happy Birthday Lisa!!!!! Way to Rock your hair even as a kid!
Happy Happy Birthday, Darling Lisa. You were a sweet and cute little girl and you grew up to be a sweet, beautiful young lady and Princess. I have always loved the look of your hair, it reminds me of your Mother's. I love you bunches!!!
Wow. My mom really through me under the bus with my hair looking like that too! Now to be fair, most of those chosen photos are from birthday mornings or Christmas mornings! I think you look stunning so early in the morn! You were then and still are, adorable! Just a few weeks back you woke up with a 'do' reminicent of childhood!
I love too much!
Thanks Breann! I really need to start asking for donations from my cult following! :)
Thanks Amy! I've always been rocking it!
Thanks Grandma...I appreciate that you always remind me that I'm a Princess. ;) I love you!!!
Mom- she really did...but, since I have nice hair now...let's take it as a compliment! And I wish we had taken a photo of my hair a few weeks ago when it looked just like that...except more if it and darker. I love you Mambo!
Happy Happy Lisa! It must be nice to have a niece (Sydney) that follows in your footsteps when it comes to hair styles.
Very cute. You were so adorable! I'm totally not gonna make a smart aleck remark here!
Happy Birthday, Lisa! your natural color blonde? Sorry if thats a rude question. Hope you're had a good birthday!!
p.s. I love your blog background. So cute.
Thanks Bryan! It is really nice to know that Sydney honors me by maintaining her own fabulous hair-do!
Brandito- You're too kind. No smarta$$ remark? That's an amazing gift! :)
Thanks Tami! As for my hair...I'm naturally a red-head, but as a child I always colored it blonde for drama. And as an adult I color it black/brown for the gothic look mostly. :) Hopefully you got my msg on facebook with the real answer. :)
Happy Birthday! Wow it is not often that you see someone start out as a cutie and end up as a cutie!! You are 1 in a Million!! Love you bunches!!
Thanks Natalie! You're so sweet! I love you!
WOW!! Thanks for the pictures. You made it! I love that you where starting trends at such a young age.
Happy Birthday!!!!!! I hope you had a great day. Love you!
I vill stylez ze hair. I will cutz ze hair. I vill give yoo a stylez yoo can look at and sayz,"Wow! I am soo hotz!"
“Feliz Cumpleaños,” (fay-lees coom-play-ahn-yos)
That’s how they say it in Spain.
“Fröhlicher Geburtstag,” (frer-li-sher guh-burts-tahk)
In German it means the same.
“Gratulerer med dagen,” (grah-too-lay-rare med dog-en)
Norwegians say it too.
But any way you say it,
It means “Happy Birthday to you!”
They say in Samoa,
“Manuia lou aso fanau.” (mah-noo-ee-yah low ah-so fah-now)
“Tanjobi omedeto,” (tahn-joe-bee oh-meh-deh-toe)
The Japanese say, and bow.
“Saengilul ch’ukhahamnida,” (sang-ill-ool chewk-ha-hahm-nee-dah)
Koreans say it too.
HAHA!! I told you I would find it!!! I have included the pronuciations also, that way you can learn how to sing it correctly. You're welcome. Happy Birthday Gabbana!!
Yup Kirsten, I've always been a trend setter!
Thanks Bree! I love you too! :)
Shawna...I can't wait for you to sing the entire thing to me!
Sorry I'm late, but better late than never - right?
What a cutie pattootie you were! I hope you had a wonderful birthday!
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