Sure, I've grown up now...but I still have my crushes...

Owen Wilson. Sure, he's got the disfiguring bump in his nose. And, yes, he had that suicide attempt... but he's hilarious. He steals any movie he's in. Night In The Musuem? He was the best part! "I ain't quittin' you!"
Shanghai Noon has to be one of my favorites, and it's because of Owen. My favorite part is when he is trying to woo an Indian woman... "I'm like a wild horse. You can't tame me. You put the oats in the pen, though, and I'll come in for a nibble every day. But the minute you shut that gate, I'll jump the fence and you'll never see me again. "

Brian Douglas Williams. He is the anchor for the NBC Nightly News. Nobody delivers catastrophic news better than he does. Not only is he a pretty face, he's got this great voice to go with it. Which is why he's a news anchor. You know what else though? He's funny! That's right, funny! That's part of why I like him. He looks distinguished, acts polished...but you just never know what might happen behind closed doors. *wink, wink*
Hurricane is coming? Ah well...I'll just be watching Brian Williams tell me all about it.

Tyler Perry. Da-ang. Break me off a piece of THAT! As you can see from the picture...that's my heart in his hands. Tyler Perry is just one of those good ol' boys. I mean, sure, he dresses up like an old black lady occasionally. But, who hasn't? Really? If you can get past the cross-dressing...he's worth it.
My last crush for the day is perhaps the most unlikely crush of all...
Yes, readers, that's Jon Lovitz.
Jon "Yeah, that's the ticket!" Lovitz.
NewsRadio was one of my favorite sitcoms. It starred one of my favorite actors... Phil Hartman. Jon guest-starred on NewsRadio twice, as TWO different characters. And, after Phil Hartman's death when I was sure NewsRadio would never manage to find it's way... Jon Lovitz entered as a THIRD character, for keeps this time. Nobody could replace Phil Hartman, but Jon helped me heal.
Jon is in one of my favorite movies, 'Trapped In Paradise.' Jon cracks me up. It doesn't matter what he does, he steals the show! He's in the wedding singer for less than 3 minutes and he makes the show for me. I hate commercials...but when he did the Yellow Pages ads and the Subway ads...I always watched them. And laughed and laughed and laughed. I love me some Jon Lovitz!
Those are my crushes for the day... stop judging me.
Jon "Yeah, that's the ticket!" Lovitz.
NewsRadio was one of my favorite sitcoms. It starred one of my favorite actors... Phil Hartman. Jon guest-starred on NewsRadio twice, as TWO different characters. And, after Phil Hartman's death when I was sure NewsRadio would never manage to find it's way... Jon Lovitz entered as a THIRD character, for keeps this time. Nobody could replace Phil Hartman, but Jon helped me heal.
Jon is in one of my favorite movies, 'Trapped In Paradise.' Jon cracks me up. It doesn't matter what he does, he steals the show! He's in the wedding singer for less than 3 minutes and he makes the show for me. I hate commercials...but when he did the Yellow Pages ads and the Subway ads...I always watched them. And laughed and laughed and laughed. I love me some Jon Lovitz!
Those are my crushes for the day... stop judging me.