Thursday, May 29, 2008

The good and the bad of blogging

One of the things I hate about blogs...
it actually has nothing to do with the blog itself...but about posting a comment on someone's blog. The dreaded Word Verification. It's supposed to be there to stop spammers and automated systems from commenting and putting crap on your blog. This way you know a human is actually commenting on your blog.
The unfortunate part about it....humans can't usually tell what the heck those letters say. Half the time I give up and just type nonsense, hoping that the next round of letters will be easier to decipher. The other half of the time I decide that my comment isn't worth trying to decipher the letters. So I don't comment. I'm not a robot. I'm not a spammer. But, for the life of me...I can't figure out the word verification.

One of the things I love about blogs...
the links that people use to show blogs of people they know and enjoy. I'm looking at a friend's blog and then I click one of their friend's blogs because I'm nosy or bored or a stalker or something. Cut to: ten minutes later. I'm about 29 blogs away from even remembering how I found the blog I'm reading. But I'm laughing and thinking I want to comment...but then I realize how psychotic it would be. My comment...
"Howdy stranger. Your Aunt Jen has a link to your blog and Aunt Jen is friends with Zack who has a gardener named Phil who has a friend named Joanna who has a daughter named Hilary whose friend Sam's stepdaughter's hairdresser Chloe happened to be married to Aaron back in the 90's (but has since become a lesbian and is life partner's with Molly) and Aaron's sister Penelope had a third grade teacher named Mrs. Krueger who's sister Sally has a dog named Fluffy who has a dog walker named Sunny who hangs out at the coffee shop where my friend Chad works . Anywho, I really enjoyed your post about your hemorrhoids and how they are a hidden monster. I laughed and laughed when you talked about having to carry that small butt pillow around everywhere because sitting was miserable. When you talked about having to use it at the luncheon where you were being honored for your award winning tulips...I laughed so hard that I may have popped a hemorrhoid myself! Thanks for sharing! "

Stalker much? In the end I just read the blogs anonymously and don't comment. And think about how creepy it is that someone they don't know is reading about their life. Then I start hoping that somewhere, somebody started clicking their own friend's blogs and links and wound up reading mine. And either running in fear or giggling just a little bit.


Kimber said...

I think I just peed my pants reading that blog. I better go blog about it so strangers will read about it. :D

Donna Reed In Blue Jeans said...

HA! Hilarious! Isn't it the truth? I usually try to say who's blog I came from. Or just comment because who the frick cares - if someone has a blog on the internet for the whole world to see, then they have to deal with someone they don't know clicking on it.

About the word verification: think how hard it was for me when I was trying to comment with my jacked up keyboard? Yeah, it sucks.

Lonna said...

There is no shame in the information we put in our blogs or reading the blogs of others. My pillow is flesh colored so that I can sit on it naked and no one will notice.

Bryan said...

One reason I hate blogs:

"My pillow is flesh colored so that I can sit on it naked and no one will notice."

I should have never known that!