Wednesday, April 15, 2009

American Idol: recap the final 7... Movie night with Quentin Tarantino

Starts out with some really lame jokes by Ryan, bless his heart. And then Ryan calls tonight "historic" and Simon quickly says he would not call it historic. I'm with simon on this one.
(also, they showed a celebrity in the looked like a really fat version of Jeffrey Tambor, but I don't think it was him. We'll never know.)

And in a new judging twist, the judges are judging in pairs. So one person will be judged by the Randy/Kara pair and then next person will be judged by the Simon/Paula duo. I say we just get rid of Randy and Paula. Simon and Kara can handle it. Although....I'd miss Pauler to make fun of.

So the theme is "movie night" where they get to sing box office hits and Quentin Tarantino as their "mentor."

1. Allison "I'm not a monkey, I promise!" Spanish name.
She sang 'I don't wanna miss a thing' from Armageddon. I like Allison, I enjoy her voice. But even with the wacky hair and clothes...I feel no personality from her at all. Which is shocking. As Simon so kindly said, she's the only hope for the girls left.

2. Anoop "My eyebrows will make love to you" Desai.
Tonight, Anoop went back to the ballads with 'Everything I do, I do it for you.' He's completely given up on fast songs, which I love to make fun of. He sings a nice ballad...but are you going to make an album of only ballads? Guess what? I've heard it. It's called every album Michael Bolton put out.

3. Adam "I don't understand why everyone keeps questioning my sexuality" Lambert
What's freakier than a one legged dog winning the Gold medal in ice skating??? A room with Quentin Tarantino AND Adam Lambert. If anyone questioned what Adam was born to do...he was 'Born To Be Wild!' Pelvic thrusts aside, it was a good performance. I still feel dirty after watching it.

4. Matt "Can I take your order?" Giraud
Tonight, in a surprising turn, Matt showed his gay pride and sang the lesbian anthem, "Have you ever really loved a woman?" Vocally, it was good. But pretty boring. Oh wait...he's gonna rock it...falsetto....and boring again.

5. Danny "I'm not just about my glasses, I'm also a widower" Gokey
An emotionally charged song... 'Endless Love.' To give Danny credit, Simon implied the widower card more than Danny did. It was pretty good. although, the harp stole the song. I just don't think there should ever be an instrument on stage bigger than you are.

6. Kris "I look soooo tiny next to Quentin" Allen
Week to week I seriously forget Kris exists. 'Falling Slowly' was the song of choice tonight. It's a beautiful song. This song suited him SO well and I think it was the best of the night. And props to the back-up singer on this one!

And that's it for this week, folks!!!

Oh...wait...there's someone else??? Oh yeah...

7. Lil' "I hate this show at this point" Rounds
Lil chose to sing a Bette Midler classic... 'The Rose.' Oh, Lil'. Don't touch Bette's songs. Why? Because they suck!!! Lil' did a good job, interesting arrangement...but...I just don't care. I'm sorry. I just don't. I loved Simon's eye roll when Paula was judging her. And Lil' fights with Simon! That's the first time I've actually liked her.

All in all, this week was pretty much the same as every other week.... I can't say that I care who wins at this point! I'm thinking of even deleting my season pass. I mean...who cares anymore???


Elise said...

Really dude. WHO does care? This show is SOOOO over....over as my beloved SCRUBS. But your reviews entertain me, even though i dont watch it. I might have to Youtube Falling Slowly. Glen Hansgard- Did you watch "Once"? It was a good little flick, and it was super cute and touching when they won the Oscar. k.

Rae said...

I didn't see the proformance just the next nite kick off, I think I've hit on how to really watch the Idol, that way you miss all the boring poor choise songs and just see who gets kicked off.

Shawna said...

idol has disappointed me this season also. I really don't care who wins at all, I don't even have a favorite. Only people I tolerate more than others. I miss the good ole days of Kelly Clarkson, Chris Daughtry, David Cook and of course Fantasia. I could never forget about her........a-yah yah yah yah yah yeah....