I'd like you to join me for a new segment I like to call..."This Just In!"
This Just In will feature gripping stories pulled right from the headlines! These are stories that I've come across in the news and feel that everyone would benefit from. So, please...take a moment to enjoy the first installment of THIS JUST IN!***
Scientists Join Forces To Save The Tasmanian Devil!
Australia's Tasmanian Devil is looking at extinction, possibly within the next 20 years. Scientists have determined that the Devils are spreading disease through mating season and are dying out from the shared disease. It seems like there is an easy fix for this...more education about STD's needs to be brought to Tasmania! During gym class or health class, I would think.
This is the picture they used to show what the disease does to the Devils...

That sure isn't inspiring me to donate to SAVE the creature. And this picture is a healthy one...

Um, yeah, I would think that we'd be trying to eradicate DEVILS! Is it just me??? The scientists trying to save the devils clearly work for Satan. They must be stopped!
Next up on This Just In!... wedded bliss...
The World's Heaviest Man Marries In Mexico
The world's heaviest man has tied the knot.

Manuel Uribe, who hasn't left his bed in six years, married his girlfriend on October 26th in Mexico. Manuel's new bride has been married before but was a widow. Her first husband died of...are you ready for this?.... obesity related complications. I kinda think she's setting herself up for heartbreak again. For the traditional first dance as newlyweds, Uribe and Solis held hands and swayed to a romantic ballad. Huh. And I'm still single? Go figure.
Well, folks, that's all for this edition of This Just In! I hope you are now caught up on the news facing us in this world! Till next time...
***My name is Lisa Harper, and I approved this message.
Gripping journalism. thanks for the news that makes my world better.
This just in...this post rocks.
I can't believe you set me up perfectly.
I need a new post. That picture is making me sick every time I log onto your blog. The T. Devil ones are gross too.
These pictures are very scary, especially the healthy creature one. I'm glad they are almost 24 hours away by plane as I would not want to find one in my backyard. Maybe now I have a reason not to visit Australia. Yes we do need a new post.
Where is the picture of the bride. I picture oilve oyl.
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