Monday, May 4, 2009

Quick word on typos...

We all make typos. It happens. Hopefully spell check will catch them for us. Unfortunately, we all rely on spell check a bit too much. It doesn't save us when we type a real word in place of the word we actually meant. And it changes the meaning

Background: I've been arguing with a lady back and forth on email and via the phone over how much the company I work for owes in common area maintenance fees for 2008 on a property we rent. She insists we owe more than I think we do. Finally, I asked her for invoicing/statements for all of 2007 and 2008 so I could reconcile it against my own records. She responded with,

"Lisa, I will defiantly get you a copy of that."

Maybe she meant defiantly. Maybe she really isn't happy about it. Maybe she didn't mean she would definitely get me a copy of it.

Whether you do it defiantly or gladly...I definitely need it, lady!


Rae said...

I am the world worst speller, so I'd never say one word to her, it's a good thing you didn't get my problem, at least that's one nasty thing I did not pass on to you! Love you!!!

Julie and Nate said...

I love it. I think I've done that before. But it wasn't nearly as good of a story as yours!!

Lonna said...

Lisa, why would you publish my story to the whole world? It's not my fault I can't spell, I get it from my Mother!

Princess Lisa said...

No problem here, Grandma! I'm a great speller!

Julie- it was a perfect scenario, wasn't it? I laughed so hard when I got that email! :)

Mama- I'm sorry. But, if it helps any...I showed it to several people in my office and they didn't even catch it.

Donna Reed In Blue Jeans said...

That is hilarious! You know, I'm terrible with this. I do it all the time, in fact. I'll reread some of my blog posts and I'm like, "WTF, that's not how it's spelled." And it'll drive me nuts, so I have to go in and edit it. I'm totally neurotic. I hate it that I can't go and edit my comments, because, you know - Neurosis.