2. U.S. bans Boy George
Boy George has been refused a visa to visit the U.S. because of his criminal past and impending trial. FINALLY! Finally, we have some standards!!! I'm not sure why this wasn't done in the 80's. Too bad the US didn't decide to ban him BEFORE he brought his wretched play 'Taboo' to the US. We could've done without that. I think that a chameleon named Karma has bit Boy George in the rear! It comes and goes....it comes and goes....and this time, it bans Boy George. (for those of you who don't know, 'Karma Chameleon' was a hit of Boy George's)
3. Is it just me...or is anyone else wondering why Rhianna is such a hit right now? I don't get it. I mean, sure, I like to 'drop it like it's hot' to her tunes as much as the next person...but she's just not that great. In my opinion, Rhianna=Rhidiculous!
4. This just in: American Idol is holding auditions on July 29th in Salt Lake City!!! I think I will put my name down as Lisa ArchuLoser and see how I do! I'll probably get put all the way into the finals! I really think this is fate. Simon and I will finally start our love affair!
5. Finally. There is a product for those of us who hate to waste electricity on charging our cell phones AND also love to dance. If you have those two things in common...I found the perfect product for you! It's a cell phone charger that is powered solely on your dance moves alone! Oh yeah! We can get jiggy wit' it and still talk on our cell phones! I can only hope that this will translate into a dancing-powered vehicle. I've always been an excellent car dancer and I think this would top the charts! It'd also make for a good reality show. "This week on Car Dancing Through America...."
Well folks, I'm sorry I have to sign off, but now you know some of the most important things going on in my life right now!
Peace out!