Ladies and gentlemen....brothers and sisters....citizens of this world... I have some big news for you. I can only hope that you are as ready to receive this message as I am to give this message.
Let me start by saying that anyone who knows me, knows that I love infomercials. While some people (morons) see an infomercial on the tv and change the channel looking for other programming, I actually change the channel looking for infomercials. They are the true genius of all television. The writers may strike...but the infomercial still goes on. Why? Because it is not scripted. It is real testimonials of real people who use the product and tell their real story about the wonders of the product and receive nothing in return except the satisfaction of knowing they helped other real people improve their own real lives.
But, I digress. The real reason I have come to blog this fine evening is that I have seen the infomercial to end all infomercials. If you never watch any other infomercial, please do not miss this one. (also, the magic bullet one is pretty classic. And, premiering soon.... "The Bangy")
This morning at about 3:30am I was blessed enough to catch an infomercial that nearly changed my life. Miracle Manna. Yes, like in the Bible. I once thought that the miracles of the Bible were long gone. I had no idea that some of those miracles actually still existed in a tangible sense. But, my friends, they do!
I know there are a few non-believers out there, but I also know there are a few wannabelievers... and for you, I on.
I was skeptical at first. Miracle Manna? How can this be? But I heard real people tell their stories and I was sold! I am now convinced that this Miracle Manna could almost change my life too.
I am almost a changed woman now. One man who ordered the Miracle Manna was cured of his chronic illness! A woman received over $6,000 on the same day she received the Miracle Manna! I can't help but think that maybe, just maybe, if I order the Miracle Manna and really believe in it's powers...there's no end to what may or may not change for me too!
I hope that I've changed your view from non-believer to wanna-believer to believer. Take it from a real person... it has nearly, almost, maybe changed my life already. It truly has changed my life in ways that haven't really changed my life at all. Let it do the same for you. Just believe.
Thank you.
This truly changed my life! Well, changed my life in the way that I can never get back the 2 minutes it took me to read and digest the news of Miracle Manna. I did not know that the Wheat Thins people got their design from God's Manna. With that bit of trivia stored in my brain, I am ready for well...probably nothing. See how it changed my life?!
Oh dear. I think it's a good reason why we don't have these infor...whatever they're called in Britain lol
A x
Lisa, you know that you are crazy right? Crazy like a FOX! And you're foxy to boot! ;) Love ya!
Lisa, you are a wonder!
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