Thursday, August 20, 2009

This Just In: .... Doi!

Readers, you know I always look for hard hitting news. News that affects all of us. Deeply.
Today, I was reading news stories on Yahoo and I found out exactly what I wanted to bring to my readers...

40 percent of Twitter messages 'pointless babble': study

Pear Analytics, based in San Antonio, Texas, said that it randomly sampled 2,000 messages from the public stream of Twitter and separated them into six categories. Forty percent of the messages on Twitter are "pointless babble" along the lines of "I am eating a sandwich now," according to Pear Analytics.

Were there a lot of people out there wondering if Twitter was pointless babble or not? Personally, I think 40% was a bit low. It's Twitter. 140 characters of whatever you're thinking in the moment. As most people aren't very creative... pointless babble is inevitable. I don't often hear, "I just tweeted the cure for cancer." OR "Did you see that tweet about peace in the middle east?"
Most of us use it as a fluffy bit of entertainment. And when people try to use it to drive home any agenda other than to entertain me...I typically judge them for it.

It's Twitter. Of course it's pointless babble.
This Just In: 100% of studies trying to determine what people use twitter for are completely pointless!


Bryan said...

Shocker! I'll stop going to twitter for my facts. Just shocked! Wow.

Shawna said...

I am sitting on the porch....

Lonna said...

"I was watching TV when my Twitter popped up and Tweeted me....Some loser said that Twitter is not factual, ha."

fwoom said...

I've never twittered or tweeter or even looked at said website in my life. I'm very proud of this. Of course, I said the same thing about facebook - and was even anti-facebook until a few months ago.

On a related note-

I just farted.

Almond Joy Mounds said...

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.

Valtrex said...

I just contracted genital herpes. Yea ME!!!

Michael Jackson said...

I will always be the King of Pop...well, at least jungle juice. HEE HEE!

Casanova said...

Is belly button lint considered a food group?

The Tom Selleck said...

My mustache is better than yours, Chuck Norris!

The original Tweet said...

I tawt i saw a puddy tat. I did I didsaw a puddy tat.

Camelman 2000 said...

I wanna HUMP!

Reluctant Facebook Lifer said...

Twitter Sucks.

Willow Upgood, aka Peck said...

I love midgets. They really put life in perspective, don't we?